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Author: Jessica Edmiston
Fit Five #2: Drink Water!
Most people understand that staying hydrated and drinking water are essential for a healthy body and a health mind. However, many of us do not drink enough water throughout the day. Even if you drink a decent amount of water each day, chances are you’re still not drinking the proper daily amount. Luckily, with a…
Fit Five #2: Sweat
When we talk about Sweat, we’re really just talking about good, old-fashioned exercise. We prefer the term “sweat” because it’s a good reminder that effective exercise generally gets your heart rate moving and the sweat flowing! Good exercise doesn’t just equal physical results and today we’re sharing more about the different benefits you can find…
Breathe Easier In The Pool: Guest Blogger Mat Hudson
Breathe Easier In The Pool There are so many good reasons to swim for exercise, and just enough excuses to keep many people out of the pool. Are you one of those who feel some reluctance to get in? For example, many people find swimming uncomfortable because of the stress and problems they experience while…
Preparing For Your Workout
Preparation is key when it comes to a successful workout. If you come to the gym without a successful plan in place, chances are you will leave without a successful workout. Today we are sharing four ways to improve your workouts before your heart rate begins to rise. Plan your workouts for the week. This…
Sugar-Free Water Recipes
It’s no surprise that meeting the daily requirements for water intake has many of us feeling a little blue. When you’re not used to filling your Hydro Flask so many times in a day, it can be a daunting task! We’ve come up with a few tips on how to make hydration more exciting (and a…
Fit Five: 90/10 or Progress Not Perfection
For anyone trying to lose fat, finding a program that works can be extremely difficult. But once you’ve found the right program, it becomes much easier to achieve your goal. The 90/10 Rule is a motto that every fitness buff in training should adhere to. With this simple program, you can easily stick to a…
Why Zults?
Andrew Hussey, Manager at Venti’s Cafe, loves to compete in Zults and is a big advocate for the program within the Venti’s family (Venti’s regularly sponsors corporate teams for the yearly competition). When asked why he feels that Zults is so effective, Andrew says that it boils down to accountability and team support. Whether his…
The Fit Five: What Does That Mean For Me?
At Courthouse, the “Fit Five” has become a way of life. We recognize that exercise alone is not enough to lead a full and healthy life. Instead, we have adopted five principles into our culture and encourage each of our members to do the same. Fit Five #1: Eat Real Food There are…
Guest Blog: My Swim Experience
We are delighted to share the following story written by a Courthouse club member. Robert has fought the odds against a medical condition that threatened his love for swim. Together with Swim Director Jeni Rossow, Robert has made incredible gains in the water and we applaud his hard work and dedication. Swim lessons –…