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Why Zults Wars Uses The Bod Pod
Every Zults Warrior got into the Bod Pod before beginning the Summer Zults War.
It resembles something like a futuristic time machine or a Star Wars escape pod. But, this machine is changing how we look at results, how we measure success, how we get Zults everyday.
Courthouse Medical Fitness Director Drew Miller shared why the Bod Pod is so important to Zults Wars. He shared why the Courthouse uses the Bod Pod over other ways that some measure body fat. And, like a relatively organized person, he shared it in three parts.
Reason #1: It’s Accurate. “The Bod Pod is the world’s most accurate way to measure body fat. Calipers can be off by as much as 8%. That’s huge. When you know how much fat you are losing and how much lean tissue you are gaining–I mean, actually know–you know if how you’re making progress, and how to continue to be successful. The Bod Pod doesn’t lie. It can’t.”
Reason #2: It Tells A Story. “We communicate in Zults Wars that we all need to learn how to eat real food, how to cook, how to make the right decisions every single day. It’s about making a lifestyle change. What the Bod Pod does is tell a story. It lets us know if you are really eating snacks, really drinking water, really eating clean, really getting the right kind of exercise, really getting rest. The Bod Pod can tell you if you are losing the right kind of weight (fat) and gaining the right kind of weight (lean). A scale can’t tell that kind of story.”
Reason #3: It Tells The Truth. “We use the Bod Pod because it can see what we’re really made of. Again, in the most accurate way possible. A scale may say that you didn’t lose any weight and that you failed. But, we know that you lost so much fat and gained so much lean mass (which includes so much more than muscle) and how successful you really were.”
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