The Fit Five: What Does That Mean For Me?


At Courthouse, the “Fit Five” has become a way of life. We recognize that exercise alone is not enough to lead a full and healthy life. Instead, we have adopted five principles into our culture and encourage each of our members to do the same.


Fit Five #1: Eat Real Food

There are plenty of diets out there that advertise quick results or meal replacement shakes, but we have found that these diets aren’t sustainable over a long period of time. Instead, we promote eating real food generally found in the outside edges of the supermarket (protein, vegetables, fresh fruits, good carbohydrates, and healthy fats).


Fit Five #2: Sweat

This one is simple. Find ways to get your body moving and burning calories. We say sweat instead of exercise because you should get your heart rate high enough to sweat 3-5 days per week.


Fit Five #3: Drink Water

There are many benefits to drinking adequate water each day, and we want you to experience what it feels like to be hydrated properly. It seems like a simple concept, but often times drinking enough H2O is one of the more challenging principles of the Fit Five.


Fit Five #4: Rest & Relax

Along with good sleep, finding time to turn off your electronics and give your brain a break is a key component to a healthy lifestyle. Learn how to rest and recharge your system in order to reclaim energy and ambition that may be missing.


Fit Five #5: 90/10 or Progress Over Perfection

Should you have that piece of birthday cake? What about your weekly pizza night? By allowing yourself the flexibility to splurge once or twice a week on your favorite not-so-clean meal or snack, you set yourself up for success. We recommend that 90% of the time, you eat healthy. The other 10%, find the freedom to splurge! Because all or nothing usually ends with nothing.


Interested in learning more about our Fit Five? Zults War begins soon! Sign up today!