Living the Lifestyle: Andrea Downard Talks Club Dance

Andrea Downward

Two weeks down and I’m 20 miles in to my goal. This puts me on pace to hit my goal of running or walking 30 miles in three weeks. YES!

As humans we are programmed to rest. This creates a daily battle to get up, out of bed and moving before conquering our daily to-do lists. Making a commitment to meet people three days a week for runs at Bush Park has been a great way to trick myself into getting out of bed consistently.

Heading into this last week I reached out to Courthouse Rockstar Andrea Downard and learned how Club Dance can help me get my cardio up. Anyone who is familiar with the Courthouse is familiar with Andrea and what an amazing bundle of positive energy she is–think a blond, outspoken version of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Running is great exercise. But dancing is a lot more fun.

According to my Facebook wall, Club Dance is one of the more popular classes at the Courthouse. I’ve never been though. What is it all about?

Club Dance is an hour based, hip hop cardio class. It was specifically created in the Courthouse, so this is the only place it can be found. It will get you moving and dancing with chart topping songs that you know from the radio. The lights are off with only a spotlight on the instructor and disco lights flashing everywhere, so it has the ambiance of a night club. It is designed to be a time for anyone to get their dance on but also get a workout in. Before you know it you will have worked out for an hour, but in the funnest way you have ever experienced!

My wife tells me I’m not a very good dancer. Is it still okay if I come?

We welcome anyone into class! Male, female, old, young…if you want to move this class is for you. The Instructor will always cue what the next move is, but it may take a couple times to catch on. We just want you to have fun and keep moving. And I’m sure a husband and wife combo in Clud Dance would make a wife pretty excited!

I have a challenge this month to run or walk a total of 30 miles in September. How can Club Dance meet my goals?

A member at the Keizer club calculated how many steps we take in a hour of club dance and it was equivalent to a 3 mile run! It helps get your endurance and sustainable cardio up.


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