The people I work with genuinely have a good time doing what they do. I know it. I can tell. No one I work with at Courthouse Fitness is active or tries to stay healthy because it is good for them. They move and play and exercise because they love it.

They do it because doing something is so much more enjoyable than doing nothing.

Fitness is fun; that may be a simple message, but it is one that should be said more often than it is. Movement is fun. Sweating is fun. Reaching goals is fun. Getting Zults is fun.

Every member I know and speak with genuinely loves, or is falling in love, with fitness. I can tell. Because fitness is fun. It is a message they cannot hear enough. Even if exercise didn’t offer self-esteem, self-worth, longer lives, better living, more adventures, more smiles, more freedom- -and thank goodness it does offer all of these things–it would still simply be fun.

In the New Communication Age, I get to see more of what people do for fun. I am connected to hundreds of fellow Courthouse Fitness folks who “Imagine – Train – Do”. I’ve seen hundreds of pictures of dirty, sweaty, smiling faces. I’ve seen simple words about seemingly small accomplishments and the fun had in making a good habit out of a good time.

I’m challenging myself to ask more questions of those I see at the Courthouse everyday. What does it feel like to exercise? Why do you exercise? Who do you exercise for? What are

you looking forward to? How do you imagine your future? How will training get you there?

I work in a unique place. I live in a unique part of the world. And I work and live around a group of people who see fitness uniquely. They do not see fitness as a chore. To them, fitness is fun. Just like it should be.


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