Q&A with Dr. Braman, NW Lifestyle Medicine

Dr. Marc Braman recently opened his medical practice, NW Lifestyle Medicine, in the lobby area of the Battle Creek club. We are thrilled to have him practicing medicine within our facility and love his approach of “lifestyle” medicine and the positive effects that come along with it. We had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Braman last week to learn more about him and his unique practice of medicine.



CH.  What sets NW Lifestyle Medicine apart from traditional medical practices?

MB.  Unlike some physicians who use only a limited set up options for a treatment plan, I present all possible options and work with my patient to choose the path they feel most comfortable with. I also do offer more than typical testing that may include extended lab work, genetics, or specific testing for things like gluten sensitivity.


CH.  On your website, you talk about the “Whole Healthcare Treatment Pyramid.” What is this?

MB.  The Whole Healthcare Treatment Pyramid breaks down treatment options into four categories;  Lifestyle, Physiology, Prescription and Surgery. Lifestyle includes sleep, stress, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle components, and is the foundation of all effective long term treatment and should receive the greatest emphasis. Physiology includes natural treatments including Physical Therapy, massage, and scientifically supported nutritional supplements; things that are part of restoring normal, healthy physiology, typically things with minimal to no side effects.  Prescriptions are almost by definition artificial or foreign substances with much higher risk of side effects. Surgery includes all invasive or more dangerous treatments that have a relatively high risk of complication or side effects. We use all options and start with what makes the most sense.  As a general rule we emphasize the Lifestyle foundation, and incorporate other components of the pyramid as needed.


CH.  Generally speaking, who are your patients and what are they looking for in terms of care?

MB.  There is no defined demographic. However, the patients who typically choose NW Lifestyle want a comprehensive approach, they want to avoid medications, or they deal with difficult, complicated problems and have not found answers elsewhere.


CH.  Studies show that the vast majority of our health problems are nutrition related. What do the studies recommend about our diet?

MB.  Based on the science and my clinical experience working with many people:  the ideal diet is A. primarily unrefined plant foods, that is B. uniquely personalized for each individual. I encourage patients to look in the mirror and examine their teeth and what kind of food they are built for, along with looking at the diet structure of societies across the globe with long and healthy lifespans. You will find that both support a an unrefined plant food based diet.


CH.  You will be presenting a seminar titled “Mapping Your Medications by DNA”this evening at the Battle Creek Club.  What does this seminar entail?

MB.  A simple swab of the inside of your cheek can now tell us what medicines your DNA does and doesn’t like. Why have a horrible reaction to a medication when you don’t have to? Why play Russian Roulette trying to find what is likely to work? While it doesn’t provide a complete picture of how you will respond to a given medication it can certainly help. Some may even qualify for free testing as part of a formal research study we are participating in.


CH.  What is the one piece of advice you can give us in terms of health and wellness?

MB.  Live life to the fullest! This is the underlying philosophy behind my practice. Living well and enjoying life requires maximizing one’s physical health.


Are you interested in learning more about Dr. Braman and NW Lifestyle Medicine? Please attend his seminar this evening, November 15th at 6:00pm at the Battle Creek club.


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