Fit Five is all about Breaking a Sweat, Drinking Water, Eating Real Food, Resting and the 90/10 Principle. We pulled in Chuck Flunker, GM of our Keizer location, to breakdown exactly what makes Fit Five so unique. Fit on fleek, as the kids say… or nah?

Tell me about Fit Five. Why is it different than simply telling people to “Exercise and Eat Right”?

The Fit Five is a liveable lifestyle.  If one boils “being fit” down to Exercise and Eat Right….you find yourself learning to hate it…because the moment you don’t exercise…or the moment you eat something “unhealthy” you’ve failed.

Sweat – Notice it doesn’t say “workout.”  It says sweat.

Sweating is important because it lets your know you’re working hard.  It’s your body’s sign that the heart rate is up and your helping yourself get stronger

There is no wrong way to break a sweat – Anyone of our classes at Courthouse – Ride, Power, R30, Core, Centergy, Blast, Kick, or Club Dance.  Going to Spartan, swimming in our pool, training in the weight room.  In fact, it doesn’t have to happen in a gym.  Playing with your kids, ultimate frisbee, bike riding, hiking, running.

There is no point in being in a gym breaking a sweat…if it doesn’t help break a sweat out of the gym doing the things you love.
Drink Water – Hydration is important.  For one to sweat, one must drink water.  This I feel is one of the simplest ways to feel better.  Replace that soda with Water.

Eat Real Food – This for me was the most daunting.  However, I learned that the most important part of eating real food…are the steps before eating it.  Planning and preparing.  By spending roughly two hours on any given day of the week, I can have my food prepared for the next 5-6 days.  All I have to do it take it out of the fridge and heat it up!

Rest/Relax – This is a big one that separates the Fit 5 from just Exercise and eating right..take time to enjoy life, recover, relax and be with friends and family

90/10 – Enjoy your life…that piece of cake at your kid’s birthday party is not going to destroy your progress.  That beer on a Friday night will not make you “fat.”  It’s not about all or nothing.  It’s about balance.  I feel this is the most crucial of the Fit 5 because it all comes down to finding balance to you can be healthy, but still enjoy some of the “unhealthier” things in life without feeling guilty.


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