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What Is “The Lifestyle”?
We talk a lot about lifestyle here.
We call ourselves a “Lifestyle Company.”
We talk about lifestyle because it is important to us. We love that many people enjoy coming in three or four times a week to work out with us. But, we don’t want to stop there. We want to encourage, educate and inspire as many people as we can to live “the lifestyle.”
Now, at first the term “live the lifestyle” can seem a little snooty or elitist. But, we don’t mean it to be restrictive or isolating. We don’t have it all figured out. But, we have a seen a few ideas be implemented into people’s lives and we’ve seen some pretty cool results because of it.
So let us tell you what we mean when we say “the lifestyle.”
The lifestyle we promote, and the one we encourage our members to embrace, is made up of three things.
1. Eat Clean 90% of the Time. This means we eat food at energizes us and makes us feel great. The food we eat is out of love for ourselves and not out of guilt or punishment or obligation. But, we only eat clean 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time we eat less-than-clean food (and our favorite versions of that food) as a way to celebrate, to be with our friends, and because we like some occasional pizza and beer (or pasta and wine, or ice cream with sprinkles, or pie and coffee, or whatever you want to use your “90/10” on).
2. Sweat Three Times a Week. If you’ve done Kick Start, you know that we separate our “sweat days” from our “rest days.” We do that because if you devote the time for yourself to sweat just three times a week, you’re going to be successful. You’ll enjoy the time you sweat because you won’t feel guilty that you “missed a day.” And we know there a thousand different ways to sweat. We just encourage everyone to find something that both challenges and engages them; something in which they find enjoyment and results. We also encourage everyone to devote time to rest, relax, sleep, and recover.
3. Do Fun Stuff with the People You Care About. Living an active lifestyle, sometimes, gets put into a couple of small boxes. To live actively, you’re either a runner, a hiker, or a triathlete. But what about soccer at the park, snowboarding, camping, basketball leagues, kickball, waking up early to take a walk with your husband or wife to see the sunrise, climbing a tree, doing the Highland Games, lifting boxes at the food bank, playing in a band, dancing, playing with your kids until it gets too dark and you’re forced to come inside, making snow angels, making goals, making memories?
We know that each of our friends and members has a unique way they like to do fun stuff with the people they care about.
We just want to make sure they are as ready as possible to do those things.
And to celebrate with them when they do.
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