Steve Narkaus: My KickStart

Recently, Steve Narkaus completed his four weeks of KickStart. He was kind enough to send a letter about his experience. Thank you, Steve, for trusting us and going for it. And thank you to Sarah Rossi for being an amazing KickStart Coach. 

It was October 1, 2014. I had been overweight for the last 25 years. And at age 64, I was thinking it was too late for me. I had waited too long to decide to make a change. My wife had lost her extra weight, but I had no motivation. I thought I had lost my chance.  The one glimmer of hope was at my last physical exam my doctor told me that he had never seen anyone as fat as I was that had not developed high blood pressure, arthritis or diabetes. Maybe there was hope for me. I made a call and got connected with Sarah Rossi at Courthouse. Sarah gave me an evaluation and suggested I try KickStart. A 30-day experiment to try nutrition and exercise and see if it could or would be a lifestyle of health and fitness for me.

Here is I what I found:

On Fitness

1. My trainer and KickStart Coach became a big supporter of my efforts.

2. The book “Younger Next Year” opened my eyes to health and living well.

3. Group Training classes are filled with people who want to help and encourage me.

4. I gained knowledge through weekly meetings and planning with highly qualified staff.

5. It is harder to give a 50% effort with smaller results than 100% effort with exciting results.

6. The Courthouse environment is friendly and supportive.

7. I never felt like I was on my own. Help was always available.

8. The lifestyle has now become part of my schedule and is now part of my daily planning…my favorite part.

9. My health needs and fitness will never cease until I die.

10. Now, I plan on eating clean and exercise. It is part of how I live. For the rest of my life.

On Training

1. I decided to commit myself to health and fitness for myself. But, I have made many enjoyable acquaintances and look forward to every class.

2. Classes are designed for my fitness level and interests.

3. It is not work. It is a workout which gets me closer to my goals. Personally, I really enjoy Water Ex and Squad Training.

On Nutrition

1. I was worried if I would even like the food. Week One was like withdrawal from all the bad fats, the high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and salt. Now, I taste natural, good food and I know how bad some of the foods I was eating was for me.

2. Shopping every week for the week’s food is fun and the food prep for the week’s meals creates a couple of hours of family kitchen time.

3. Nobody is perfect. All that was expected of me during KickStart was to follow the meal plans 90% of the time. I used my 10% very wisely. And I really have fun…in moderation. 

4. Eating clean would have been difficult if I didn’t have access to the meal plans and menus. Courthouse provides this at a small rate of $19 a month.

For the future, I now have the confidence knowing that my life will be happier and healthier.

In 30 days, I lost 11.2 pounds of fat and put on some lean. I increased my muscle mass, I have more energy, I get great sleep and have an abundance of positive thoughts.

Thank you to everyone at Courthouse for all you for everyone and especially for what you have done to educate and inspire me to a healthier and happier life.


Steve Narkaus


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