I’m standing around with the other mom’s at my son’s school, waiting for the bell to ring and release a sea of childish agnst upon us. One mom sizes me up and spots my “Training” shirt.

“You are so lucky!” she says. “I wish I worked at a gym. I’d have no excuse not to work out. You know how it gets when you have kids…you just don’t have the time.”

I get it. There were mornings when I felt like I just couldn’t get a workout in. I’ll be heading out the door…and the baby will throw up on me. Sometimes I felt like I had to choose between my workout and a clean house. Time-outs and life lessons can sure eat into “me” time. Just getting the car loaded up with the kids and the diaper bag seemed like enough of a workout on its own. I have always needed to workout like I need air. If a few days go by and I haven’t had a sweat session…world watch out! There is a cranky Italian on the loose ready to throw down and take names.

Taking the time to workout and stay fit is one of the best things that I have done as a mother. I know it seems weird, but being fit allows me to do more with my son. I stay sane and get to visit with other adults. And, I set a good example for my son.

I think kids appreciate quality over quantity. If I can’t take care of myself, I am not equipped to take care of anyone else.

My workouts definitely take time away from my family. But they also absolutely improve the quality of time that I spend with my family. When I get regular workouts I feel better about myself. When I feel good about myself, I am happier. And happy moms are the best! My son should see the best of me. He gets to see me living in my bliss when I take the time for myself to stay fit. I am alert and engaged. I am able to get down on the floor and play with my son.

My son is only six…so he still thinks I’m cool. I’m going to work that for as long as I can. The more we can run, jump, swim, hike together the better example I am to him. Your kids want to be just like you!

A recent study at the University of Essex explored children’s perceptions of how active their parents were and compared it to how fit the kids themselves were. It found that the children who perceived that their parents were more active rated higher levels of fitness. Kids really do watch, learn and pattern what we as parents do. I want my son to appreciate what an amazing miracle his body is and use it accordingly.

As mothers, we CAN make the time. I always prefer to workout at the Courthouse. I love being in an environment that is positive and supportive. Even though the Courthouse is my go-to workout location, I know sometimes I just can’t work it in; life happens. But in that case, we can always take a few minutes to add fitness into our days. Get up 20 minutes early. Do a quick workout while the baby is sleeping. Get out as a family after dinner and go for a walk. Run around the playground with your kids when you pick them up from school; you’ll be amazed at how much you can do with playground equipment.

Below is a quick home workout for when you just can’t make it into the Courthouse.

No equipment necessary. Just one determined mom and some space.

Quick Home Workout

Lunge to Plank: 5x each side

Step back into a deep lunge with your right foot. Place both hands down on the floor on the inside of your left foot. Let yourself enjoy a deep stretch down the front of the right leg. Then step your left foot back into a plank position. Hold that position for three belly breaths. Step your right foot forward into a lunge. Make sure your back does not sag in the plank position.




Doorjamb squat and row: 5x each side

Pinch a door with your right hand and lean back slightly. Drop yourself into a squat. As your stand from the squat, row your right elbow back, squeezing the muscles in your back.




Couch Push ups: 10x

Put your hands on the couch and step your feet back into a plank. Keep your elbows close to your body and pull your chest to the couch. Push up.



One Leg Deadlift: 5x each side

Hinge at the hip and lean forward as you pick one leg up behind you. Make sure that you keep your hips both pointing towards the floor. Stand up tall and bring the leg back to the floor.



Do as many rounds as you can in 20 mins.


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