Jacob Espinoza Living the Lifestyle: The First 10 Miles

Jacob Espinoza at Bush Park

One week in and I’m 10 miles into my goal. Only 20 miles to go. Living the Lifestyle feels great. My 8am runs at Bush Park have been absolutely gorgeous. Thanks to those of you who have been able to make it out and join me. It has been a great way to get the blood pumping at the beginning of the day. If you’d like to join me email me at jakeespi@gmail.com or just show up in front of the Soap Box Derby at 8am on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

During my runs I’ve already noticed a huge shift in energy from one day to the next. I reached out to Drew Miller, the Zults Czar at the Courthouse, to learn what I should be eating to keep my energy level consistent.

Hey Drew. How are you doing today?

I’m great.

Are you really great?

Yeah.  We just finished up our Summer ZultsWar and now we are starting to prepare for the Winter ZultsWar.  We are hopeful this upcoming ZultsWar will be our best one yet.

ZultsWar is awesome. Can’t wait to do it again. Right now I’m looking to start running on a regular basis. What should I be eating?

This sounds boring, but it is really the key.  You need to be eating clean simple foods with a good balance of carbs, protein, and healthy fat (yes, there is such thing as healthy fat) about every 4-6 times a day.  How you feed your body each day, and days prior to running or exercising, will influence how you will run.

Good to know, but what is considered a clean food?  Why is eating clean better?

Clean food is basically food without any added unnatural or processed ingredients.  If you can’t find the ingredient or food in nature, then it probably isn’t clean.  For example, an orange is a better option than orange juice (processed and added sugar).  And orange juice is better than an orange creamsicle (who knows what is actually in one of those).  The more steps food has to take from its natural state, the less clean it tends to be.

Clean foods are the best because our bodies are designed to thrive off real food.

Sounds important. Also, I hear a lot of different ideas on how much water I should be drinking everyday. Why is it so important and how do I know I’m getting enough?

The main chemical component of your body is water.  In fact, 60% of your body weight is water.  Every system in your body needs water to function properly.  The simple answer to your question of “why is it important” is this: because your body needs water.  That’s not opinion.  It’s fact.  

Over the years, different formulas have recommended different amounts of water to consume.  There is no exact consensus but that’s okay.  The guidelines are simple:

1) Drink at least a half gallon a day (64 oz)

2) Drink some water with every meal

3) Drink water during and after exercise

4) If you are thirsty, drink some water!

Lastly, if you find yourself getting hungry, drink some water first.  Dehydration can often be confused for hunger.  So while you may feel like you need to eat something soon or else, it may just be your body telling you to get some water into you.  If you have some water and are still hungry, odds are you probably need to eat.  

Let’s talk race day. I’m training for a 5k in October. What is a good pre-race meal and how much time do I need in-between eating and race time?

Personally, I believe eating a balanced, clean meal is your best option.  So eat a healthy breakfast like you normally would.  As for how much time before hand, I like to eat at least an hour before a race.

 Did I mention you should drink some water as well?


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