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Zults War Winter 2014: 1,698 lbs of fat loss
American Psychological Association polls show that only about 16% of people who attempt a lifestyle change are successful. When talking about weight loss (something everyone claims to be trying to accomplish) the success rate is still a meager 20%.
In the most recent Zults War (a six-week lifestyle challenge based on exercising together, clean-eating guidance through Courthouse Nutrition, and team dynamics; Zults Wars are not weight-loss competitions), the average participant not only lost a little weight, they lost about six pounds of fat. Over 50 of the Zults Wars participants lost ten pounds of fat or more. Practically all participants added at least one pound of lean mass and the rest maintained their lean mass.
Again, the average participant lost six pounds of fat and added one pound of lean mass.
Why? Why do Zults Warriors succeed where most people tend to fail? Why do Zults Warriors not only make it through the six-week challenge, but get uncommon results in the process?
“We have the best team.”
On Tuesday night at a banquet room at Broadway Commons, the five winning teams walked on the short stage to accept their recognition. A smiling representative from each team grabbed the mic. Their first statement went something like this: “We have the best team. I loved being a part of this team.” Nancy Alt of Lancaster’s winning Zults team The Orange Crush, said that whenever she was tempted to go off the plan, she thought of her teammates. “I got my husband Dan involved in small group training because I wanted him and I to do Zults together.”
Amy East of West Salem’s Magenta Maniacs said that she loved the competitive aspect of Zults and doing the challenges and journaling and eating clean and working out in Spartan and group exercise classes not just for herself (or because she was told it was good for her) but for her teammates.
“I never wanted to let my teammates down.”
There is one crucial thing that Zults Warriors have that most people don’t have. Other people.
Other people make lifestyle change possible. That is why we at the Courthouse say that fitness is better together. Because it is. Because it works. Because it makes exercise and clean eating and fit living fun.
“What’s A Zult?”
Zults (short for results–get it?) are about more than just the numbers. But, let’s talk about the numbers for a second. Actually, let’s talk about one really big number.
That is the number of pounds of fat lost during Winter Zults 2014. That is the number of pounds of fat that once hung onto hips and thighs and guts and around internal organs. Now, that fat does not exist. That’s 1,698 pounds of fat that once was there that is now not there.
That number represents 285 people whose lives are now different. 285 people who are now more fit. Who are more able to do whatever they want, whenever they want. 285 people who now have more freedom.
We are excited to craft and grow our future Zults Wars. The summer edition will have different challenges, summer-seasonal meals, our Nutrition Coaches, and the same great group exercise classes and team training formats.
And it will have that one special ingredient: other people.
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