Go Big, Courthouse. Go Big For Launch Week

Go big for Launch Week.

Launch Week starts this Saturday, August 10th, and goes to Friday, August 16th.

The theme of this Launch Week is “GO BIG!” How you Go Big is completely up to you.

Last week, we sent our news reporter Tubesock Meloy to ask members at Keizer what it meant to them to Go Big. Here is what they said:

Basically, whatever helps you have fun, work hard, show off, get together, be competitive, get results, be loud, be energetic, make your experience in Group Ex the best exercise experience you could possibly have…that is what you should do this Launch Week.

We will be keeping track of who goes big this Launch Week. The rooms will be split down the middle, left and right. Pick a side, go big, win your side an awesome trophy and a chance to say that you went the biggest during Launch Week.

More than anything, we want this Launch Week to be fun. Yes, there will be new music and new moves. The Prize Patrol will be back looking for people who are showing up and going big. But, really, you and those in your classes decide how big this Launch Week is going to be.

Every Coach and Trainer and Instructor will encourage you to Go Big this next week. How you Go Big is completely up to you.





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