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The Best Exercise Experience
We are proud of our people. We are proud of our Fitness Coaches and the work they do to encourage and help our members pursue fitness. Our Fitness Coaches have a love for helping and watching others succeed. It is our Coach’s greatest joy to see a member imagine a goal, train to reach it, and do something great. Your Fitness Coaches want you to experience exercise like you never have before. They want to give you the best exercise experience .
We are proud of our people. We are proud of our Trainers. Our Trainers love fitness and seeing our members go from good to great, from okay to healthy to fit. Our Spartan Trainers love defining intensity for our Spartans. The guys in Performance Training love putting their knowledge to practice and seeing athletes become better, faster, stronger. Our Everyday and Small Group Trainers love working a plan and getting results. Nutrition Coaches love seeing habits change as you eat clean and live fit. They want to give you the best exercise experience.
We are proud of our people. Our Service and Childcare Staff love to greet, to encourage, to serve. They love knowing your name, your kid’s names, your goals, your habits, your likes, your unique personality and the way you like to experience fitness. They love greeting you with a smile and asking how your workout went. They want to show you the best exercise experience.
We are proud of our people. Our Instructors love their classes. They love the music, the moves, and the results. They love knowing their class. They love meeting new folks and seeing those people succeed. Your Instructors want to make exercise something you look forward to. They want to give you the best exercise experience.
We are proud of our people. We love our members. Our members want to know us and be a part of what we are trying to do. They tell us their goals. They share their successes. They smile and they laugh and they sweat. They keep coming back because of the other members they meet who are just like they are: normal people trying to live their best life. They make Courthouse Fitness the best exercise experience.
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