So, I hear you want to do something awesome. How interesting. Because I have something awesome for you to do. You may have heard of it. It is called the C2V.

C2V stands for Courthouse to Venti’s. Each event begins at a Courthouse Fitness location and concludes at either the Venti’s Cafe downtown or the Taphouse on Commercial. But no C2V is ever the same. They get better. They get bigger.

They find a purpose.

And that purpose is to make awesome happen. We live in a great town in an incredible part of the world. And we all deserve to do awesome stuff. We deserve to move and have fun and be kids and run around and drink great beer and eat great food and make awesome memories with a great community of people. That is why we do the C2V. That is why we are raising money to build a second walking

bridge in Salem through the Friends of Two Bridges. Because we are awesome and we make awesome happen all the time. The C2V merely celebrates that fact.

If you do not know already, the next C2V will take place on the 21st of this month. That’s next Tuesday. You can sign up right now, right HERE.Watch this video HERE to get a rundown of the event.

The C2V is open to Courthouse members and non-members. The C2V is open to all ages (the sub-21ers simply won’t get any beer, obviously) and all fitness-levels. For many, the C2V is a first chance to run an organized race and their participation in a C2V leads to participation in other races and runs and rides and activities.

The C2V is happening. Awesome will be happening. Make awesome happen with us. You in?


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